***New patient offer**
Not sure if Chiropractic Care is for you? Take advantage of our FREE PHONE CONSULTATION for new patients. Ask the doctor questions you might have about Chiropractic. Complete the contact form below and get started.
New patient, have a question, or want to schedule? Send us a message.
We look forward to hearing from you.
- +1 724 279-9440
Frazetta Family Chiropractic
846 Pittsburgh Street
Springdale, PA 15144

My 100% money back guarantee
Finding your perfect chiropractor can be stressful, but there’s no sense in making it more stressful then it needs to be. Obviously, there are a lot of factors that go into how great your personal results are and there is no way I can promise you that you will be able to run faster and jump tall buildings in a single bound. But, I can give you my money back guarantee!
So, if, during your consultation, initial exam or report of findings that I DO NOT FEEL like I can help you OR you decide that I’m not the perfect chiropractor for you
You DO NOT owe us a DIME and we will refund any money that you paid for your initial visit. What that means is I take all the risk and stress from you, so there is ZERO risk on your part to find our if I can help. That’s my promise to you!